kipepeo - Stories

We love to share our stories filled with happy, funny, and interesting moments! Enjoy reading about our different experiences and thoughts. 

Monthly Story

This month we have recorded a session between Mariamu; Tanzanian Social Worker and Anna; local woman living in Kaloleni; Kilimanjaro Region; Tanzania. 

Hello Dear, how are you?

I am fine how about you?


I’m well!

Thank you for giving me your time.

I’m excited to be with you to listen to you sharing some of your experience with me.


What are the things that make you happy? 

My family, especially to see how my kids grow, and I enjoy the little moments I am having for them.


Why do you like your children?

My kids made me be a mother. I became more responsible. There are hard times that I pass through, and I realized kids are people being pure and innocent.


What do you think are reasons for people entering marriage?

Some of them because of love. Others have different interests that can be wealth and a good job, dependency or a specific role a person has in the community.


Apart from loving each other, do you think marriage entered by different reasons can be long lasting?

No, because when the person that the relationship is depending on for example loses the job, position, strength and therefor the family its wealth, that can mean the end of it.


What is your advice on that?

I think love brings each other closer, no matter what. When there is peace, care, respect and commitment, it is worth to marry.


Do you think men should be accountable for their family?

Yes, but now days they want to participate with their woman to handle some of the man’s responsibilities. It is seen therefore often now that woman took over completely the men’s task and fight for the survival of their family, whilst the man lays back and is not responsible at all anymore.


Your last word before the end of our discussion:

Women should take part to the economic growth of the family, but we should not forget, that our main responsibility is, to raise our children.


Thanks to you, Anna


My name is Hellena Petro or Mama Sita.


I am a Masai. This is a tribe in Tanzania whose main activities are based on pastoralism. We live in clans, share many things and help each other. We can also live like relatives with strangers who then become family. We welcome everyone and are ready to live life together.


What do you think about polygamy? 

In our community, it is normal for men to marry more than one wife. With the first wife he has a traditional church wedding and the following wives are married through a traditional tribal ceremony. For the Maasai, this is considered legal.


Would you like to talk about the positive side of polygamy?

Having a female partner in the family can be valuable if we get along well. We support each other. For example do we look after each other's children when one of us is in hospital, like I am at the moment. My female partner makes sure that everything is cared for at our home, while I'm away.


Are there also difficulties that you have to deal with?

No circumstance has only one side. There are pros and cons in my life with another woman married to my husband. I have experienced some challenges. My husband doesn't always provide well for us as a family. Sometimes we lack the essentials to an extend, so that it's difficult for me to provide for the whole family on my own.


What is your advice to women who are in a polygamous relationship? 

My advice to all women who already have a partner is to tolerate the situation and respect each other. It is important to stay in the family as a Mama to ensure that we raise our children ourselves. I advise this to prevent abuse, which unfortunately often happens when children are raised by stepmothers. Not all are bad to their wives' children, but too many do not treat them well.


My advice to women who are not yet married is to be careful when deciding to enter into a polygamous marriage. Be aware of what it means before you do it.

Who would you like to be?

When I was a teenager, I wanted to be someone who was loved by everyone. By my family as well as the other people in our community. Now I still want to be an adult woman who will always be remembered in a good way.


Do you think that a woman can take on a leadership role in your tribe?

In our tradition, it is not common for women to be heads of families, village leaders or clan leaders. Women can take a leading roles in the church or a leading position in other groups that are involved in something else.


How does the tribe you live in treat women, what do they think about them?

We are just seen as normal people and there is a belief that we are important to the community.


Can a woman inherit land?

Maasai women are normally not owning land. Even if her husband dies, the inheritant of her whole family is passed on to the husband's brother until her own boys are grown up.


Thank you so much for taking the time to tell us more about your life, Elena.


How are you?

I am well.

What makes you happy today?

To buy the school items we bought. It is something I was looking forward to since long and now finally it happened.

Do you go to school?

Yes I will go to a boarding school.

You will study welding right?

Right, and when I am finish I would like to be a boss, having my own welding place where I hire other people.

Why do you want to be a boss?

Because I will generate my own income and am able to implement all the ideas I have. I like to be creative and to lead others. I would like to help others like you help us.

So if I’d bring you one of the boys, living on the street to your office, would you teach him?

Of course! I would love to.

I like that idea. I believe you could do that well, because you understand their life. Your success can be one day their success, keep that in mind always, that will help you.


Do you hope having a family one day?

Very much! But not yet. I did not build a house yet, have no job and still my life is difficult. But if I have prepared myself well, I would love to have a wife and children. Seven children I want! (laughs)

Seven children with one wife?

Of course, I am a Christian, I only want one wife and get old with her.

So you will work and she raises the children?

No, she will work as well, so we can help each other. Because we will love each other! (laughs)

Is the wife you would like to have here already?

Yes she is, but only god knows where, I believe he hears me talking to you now and prepares the life for us.

You believe that? I mean you believe there is a god?

I do. You see the sun. She is not on this earth, but we can see her. We do not see the sun, but we see her light. That is like god. We cannot see him but he’s there.

And tell me, if there wouldn’t be god, how can it be that he listens to me talking to him. One day I tried to ask him for a favour, I asked him to wake me up at 6 in the morning, I was surprised as I woke up exactly 6am, so he is there and he listens to every person on this world, he does not forget even one.



Who is the most important person in your life, someone you trust, you are happy to be with?

Ah, honestly I don’t have one. I have a lot of people in my life, but I am always there to make them smile. I am a person to have fun with. But myself I do not have someone I feel close to, someone whom I could go and talk to, I don’t have that person.

Do you miss that sometimes?

Yah, I do. I would wish I have that someone.


It is okay to have different feelings, being sad, being happy, being angry.

Every day I feel happy, I never feel sad.

You have never felt sad?


No, I can feel angry though. When someone hurts me, does not treat me right. And then I have to cry sometimes.


Is there something you would like to say to the end?

I don’t think so, maybe thank you, and please do not give up on the other boys that are still living on the street. Stay close to them and give them another chance to change their life’s. They have been affected by some substances they use, but it is not that it is good for them to stay where they are now. Please do not leave them behind. I am so glad I got help and I thank you a lot.



I thank YOU, Maiko. You are a good person. Believe in yourself and you will become a Boss one day 😊

Women power

Mery Stella lives with her children and husband in Njoro, Moshi; Tanzania. One of her children has a mental disability and is often sick. They live in a room made of mud without tap water nor electricity. A bed and a chair is the only furniture they own. Kipepeo Family Foundation has empowered Mery with a Maise business that can help the family accomplish their basic needs.

Friendships and alcohol addiction

Do you have a best friend?

"We live here like a Family, I visit my girlfriends, we talk, we share thoughts, give each other advice.

I can go to them, they can come to me."

So any time you can meet?

"Yes, even like if I did not get flour for cooking ugali I ask them for help, the day they miss, they come to tell me and I try my best to share what I have got. I do share my vegetable and they give me some of their flour. We help each other."

You help each other as friends.

"I see it as we are almost relatives, you can sit with each other and talk, if one of you did not get the money for food that day you eat together, you do not let each other’s children sleep hungry."

I saw women helping each other as well with raising the children. For example when you shower, your neighbour cares for your child. And so do you.

"Eeeh, that’s how we do."

Do you think your girlfriends help you more than your husband?

(laughs) "You saw him the way he was today and the lies he told. If I’d depend on him, that would mean I would have died already. Sometimes I do not understand him at all."

Was he like this since the beginning?


Yes, why did you fell in love with him, why did you marry him?

"He has different times. Was not like this, and is not always same. He used to drink but not being often drunk like now. He used to work, and drink. But he always went to work and brought money home. He was a good man. He cared."

He drunk even back then?

"Yes, but only beer, now he drinks this strong alcohol like Kvant, don’t even know what their names are.

If he is lucky at his part time job, getting 20’000tzs, he can leave 2’000 to our family, the rest he does not bring home. He says that’s what he has got, but he arrives home being so drunk, he does not even understand himself until the next day. So where did he get the money from to be that drunk?

The day he does not earn anything he goes to lend money. And then he can’t pay back. Means I have to help him.

Here I can catch him, I remind him all the time to pay back the loans. Because if he does not pay them back who is going to help us when we are hungry?"

You have a maise business now, won’t you get a problem with him that he wants the money for buying alcohol?

"If he sees the money, he would want it. But he does not take it. No he does not do that. But he will come to ask me to give him some of it."

If you say no, because you don’t want him to drink. Does he argue with you?

"No. He will just leave. He knows that I got this money only because I did work. Not like him. So he just comes to eat and sleep."

Do you think he will ever get away from the alcohol?

"When you overview the past, I would say I can’t count on that. I need to rely on myself if I want to succeed in our family. I do not have evidence that his condition will end, but also not that it will stay."

I am a woman social worker - I Own my power

Do you think you are a good leader?

A good leader must have some characteristics, which i do have. She must work for the purpose of the society and not for her own interest or profit. I like to serve the community.

In school, you guided female or male as well?

Both, thats normal in school. It does not matter if you are a boy or a girl, you can be a leader. 

Is it common in Tanzania to have women leaders?

It depends on the sector. For example in the Parlament it is harder to be a woman leader. But for example in School, both headmasters were women. That inspired me.

You are a social worker. Are there more men or women working as social workers?

I would say it is equal. But i made the experience that women are more wanted.

Didn't expect that, why do you think is it?

Might we female socialworkers get more oportunities because of the groups that are in need. We provide our help to vulnerable groups, which are often women. 

Mariamu, 25 years old Socialworker from Kilimanjaro;Tanzania.


Thank you for the great interview and your time.


Hi, how are you?

Today i am very happy because we meet, i was missing you, its always nice when women meet.

Is there something you do not like?

I dont like to be in a situation where i feel sad. 

What are doing when you feel sad?

I keep myself busy to destract from how i feel, but i as well talk to my family, to get advice. 

Do you have a dream?

Yess, i do! I would love to have a daycare one day that helps children in difficult life situations.

Means you can imagine being a leader?

I would like to be one. A women leader.

Do you think women can be good leaders?

Yess, might even better. laughs :)

Why do you think that?

Because when i was in secondary school, i was a head girl guiding the others. As well in my family i am am the one leading my siblings.


What do you think is your role as a woman-socialworker?

I give those women a voice that believe that they are voiceless, especially in the village women think like that.

Women believe they are voiceless?

Yess, this is common in many tribes. And i see myself in a position where i need to empower them, standing up for themself.

Thats great, so you are a rolemodel.

I inspire other women to have a voice. Because i believe even if the whole community wants a women to be quiet, as soon as she stops being afraid and starts to talk, things start to change.

What do you like on being a women

That i can raise my own children one day, a man does not get that opportunity. laughs :)

Do you have anything to say to all women?

I know, life is so hard, but i advice you: Be responsible for yourself. Study hard, do the things you love. Care for yourself and your future. That will help you a lot in your life later.

What do you want to tell the men?

Allow your girls and women to get educated and work. Stop making them depending on you.


Tumaini - "Hope"

Her eyes don't see, her heart does:


"My life would be easier if I'd see. But even if my eyes are blind, my values don't change. My heart is still the same. I love to talk to people, feel happy being around them. If i stay inside all day long, believing i am worthless because I don't see I loose all hope and will to life. So I make sure I go out, to feel people, to connect and laugh, to talk and share. I feel so happy when being around people. That's why I choose to go out there every day. I won't loose hope. I feel freedom. Still. And I always will."


- Lightness


Interview witH a boy of the street

Do you feel special today, because you got an unordinary drink and some clothes from Kipepeo?

“I am special every day. Not only today. L ike myself! - and also my little sister thinks that I am special. She knows I am her big brother and that I would always love and care for her.”


Would you like to say anything about your Family or where you come from?

“No – what for example?


You would like to say something about your brother?

I want him to study. He should not stop as I did. I don’t like to go back. But he needs to continue. He should be able to work in an Office when he is grown up. I do not want him to stop!


Why did you stop?

..I don’t like school.


Would you like to tell how that came?

No, not for the public. I don’t want to talk about my Life and Family, the secret things. The Kipepeo Team knows that is enough.


Do you believe in something?

“Yes I do, I go to pray at the Mosque. I am a Muslim. But today for example I won’t go, because my clothes are full of dirt, I got in touch with alcohol at the bar I cleaned today.”


You cleaned a bar?

“This morning I did, sometimes I get a chance to do so and earn a bit. The bar is close to Mbuiuni Market where I am, every day waiting for the Watermelon’s to arrive.”


What do you do with the Watermelon?


“When the Track arrives, I carry the watermelon to the place where people sell them. I am not the only one doing this. Other boys whit the same background as I, are there with me doing the same.”


What is your dream ?


“I would like to play with Manchester United one day. My dream is to be a football player. I love to play and do play well. Because I can not only depend on a dream, I would like to learn how to drive tracks. I can go to study it for 3 up to 6 month so that I get a licence and with that be employed by someone. People suggest me to learn something that guarantees my future better than being a driver. Kipepeo for example told me to choose plumbing, carpentry, mechanic or so. I am going to think about this, because they are usually good to me and advise me well. I know them since a while ago. Have met them at the place they come to eat with us boys who live on the street and I like what they do. They motivate me to be responsible for myself so I can go back and help my family one day.”


Interview with Iddy Athmani Saidi (17j)



About abortion

Legal abortion wihin Tanzania is not allowed, unless there are medical reasons to do so. According to the World Health Organization (WHO) are there 21.6 million women worldwide, between the age of 15 to 44 years who decide on doing it anyway- illegally. So do they in Tanzania.


The effect of an illegal abortion is massive and can be deadly.

Women can have an excessive blood loss or it could occur cervical cancer. Some of them are getting infertile and most of them suffer on an Psychological trauma after.


There are several reasons why it comes to an unexpected pregnancy. and within to the decition of an abortion.

Out of our research by working together with different communities around Mount Kilimanjaro we Kipepeo Family Foundation , came to the conclusion that most of abortions which are done can be attributed to following facts:


Why does an unwanted pregnancy happen?

-There is a lack of education about contraceptive skills.

-Men and women do not know enough about the menstrual cycle.

-Early Child marriage which is tradition in some tribes.

-Poverty leads women to sleep with man for financial help.


Why does a woman decide to abort?

-Fear of her own or/and her child's powerty.

-Believing that she would not be able to fulfill her child's needs.

-When she is a single mother, having no relatives to care for her baby.

-Cultural or family pressure due to feelings of shame or exclusion of a community.

-Girls who get pregnant while doing an education get suspended and will no longer be able to focus on their study.


All Mothers and every Child

should be protected.

Lailani* 's words:


"It was not my plan to get pregnant due to the challenges i was facing. I noticed changes in my body and went for a check up to the hospital. As the doctor told me that i was pregnant i had to start crying. Various people adviced me to do make an abortion, which was difficult to me, because i was really scared."


Very luckily did Lailani call us from her neighbours phone, crying that she needs help with the abortion. That she reached out to us was very courageouse. We are endlessly  greatful that she did it and that she found the strenght to believe us when we told her at the phone that we will pass by. At the meeting in the afternoon the same day, we promised Lailani to make sure her fears of not being able to feed the child and many other circumstages we would help to carry them and figure a better way out then doing an illegal abortion. Kipepeo Family Foundation was able to help and she now, nine month later delivered healthy and safe.


Women basically decide to do an illegal abortion still- because they do not see another way out of their misery. The dangerouse and sad way in that moment still looks like being the only way to them.

Important note: Kipepeo Family Foundation does not support illegal abortions. But we understand fully why women are led to the decision and we are committed to be there for those who reach out for help. To help them seing a new perspective.

Nyumbani - "HOME"

The video shows some of our recent buildings and renovations.

Montessori Educational Support

My name is Eliambuya what means: "God is watching us".

I’m 50 years old and I have 3 children.

I’m from Tema Village Moshi Kilimanjaro Tanzania!

I’m a sunday school and montossori teacher.

Basically a Kindergarten teacher here at our church.

At the sunday school-lessions I teach different to what I teach at the kindergarten! On Sunday i teach about god. 

My husband is doing the same teaching as me, as well here at our church.

Since I was young attending  primary school my dreams was to work with small children. I used to pray everyday that this dream will become true. After graduating i got finally chosen to do the education for becoming a teacher.

In my free time i like to farm vegetables at my home. I like to sing in the choir, I love cooking, teaching and listening music.

I’m so proud of myself being a teacher.

I am very grateful that Kipepeo has financed us modern equipment for the classes. It has become easier for me to teach the little kids. Kipepeo has enabled my personal and the churchs dream we had, to own school supplies for our children.

After getting the chairs, tables and teaching materials we took them to the church in order to show all village members. They were very happy for what Kipepeo has supported to our village.




Natiro Communion Church

We are all  very happy. Thank you Kipepeo Family Foundation we really apprechiate your work.




Thank you so much to Kipepeo Family Foundation you have fulfilled my long-held dreams.

You have lift me up, from one step to another!

Elimu - "Education"

"Hi, my name is a secret ! :) 

 I love my mama and gave my best to help her even though my childhood was not easy.  I am the thirdborn of 10 children and our Mama raised us basically alone. I'm so proud of her, giving always her best to show her love to us and give us the best life she could. Early already i was supposed to take over responsibilities which were my father's, who never helped. I ended up living at friends homes, having fun with other kids living in the slum area and started missing school. Often the schoolfees were not payed anyway. I got a girlfriend and do not know if the baby she got was from me. But i got despensed from school, because i was her boyfriend and had to carry the responsibility of making a girl pregnant, what is prohibited as long as both attend school. However, in an argument with the guy who i believe she betrayed me with, the baby felt and died. On top of everything i was so angry with one of my little sisters that i was told if i would show up at home, the village leader will bring me to the police. 

My behavior was formed from my difficult environment i grew up and it seemed to push me deeper and deeper.

Kipepeo Family Foundation is my last chance to take a turn and change my life. I want to be responsible for myselfe and my future! I agreed on their help and am attending now a boarding school to finallize my last years. I am glad that they fighted for me. They did not give up on me, when everyone else did! I want to believe in myselfe because they do. I am going to have a good future!"

-Secret Boy

Bahati - "Lucky"

"Lucky i was to get the change to move to a Boardingschool. It prevents me from getting pregnant, it gives me hope for a better future and i feel value as a girl and woman to have the right to study." 

-Fatuma, Student


Facts about Girls like Fatuma

  • If a young woman gets pregnant she gets suspended from school. It is probhibited to continue with her education.
  • Many are told to stay home, caring for younger siblings or have to work hard for the family's home after and before school.
  • Young girls which grow up in poor society's often sleep with different man to get money to cover their needs of living.
  • In case a family has not enough money for all children to go to school, the Boy gets choosen to attend and the Girl stays home.
  • Some tribes believe, it is not necessary for a woman to get education due to early marriage and her responsibility to care for the family. It is the man's task to provide finances to the family.



Tabasamu - "Smile"

"Laughing together amuses the soul. Between all the misery and pain, it feels really good! At the picture on the right you see a tiny egg. When I asked who laid it, the Mama answered: "My rooster!" And to my surprise she showed me the potatoes shown in the picture on the left, and told me that they had grown on a tree next to her house. A hen can not lay eggs if there is no rooster nearby. I just had to laugh and thought: Why not? As a European I certainly do not know everything better. I love these people."

- Joy, Leader 


Ndoto - "Dream"

"Sometimes the people we care for are really funny! Like this family here. We built them a house and we've been many times to help. But, they've never resided in the house together. I've never seen more than two family members at a time. Even though we made their life dream come true. Despite that, I know they are grateful and glad for everything we did."

- Zakayo, Employee 


"Tasiana and Veronica are both mothers that gained independence, through running their business. They give us a lot of motivation and are positive people. This gives me faith and strength to continue doing good work for other families. I am proud of them!"

- Nixon Simba, Local Leader 

kiwavi home - Stories

Are you wondering how you will spend your time at Kiwavi Home? Keep reading about what you could experience during your stay!

a special little friend

"I met a very special mate during my stay at Kiwavi Home.

The slowly crossing Miss Polepole always makes people happy when she shows up.


The Team told me that she is living in the hostel area on her for the last five years.

Her name means "slow", because you she walks calmly and steadily.

She will not hurry for anything." 


- Natalie Kaufmann, Guest

the People and culture

If you haven't been to Tanzania, or if you have already visited the beautiful country, each trip brings new insights, stories, and smiles! 

Rainy season

A safari which ended up in a real adventure ...

"In autumn, when we visited our daughter Joy in Tanzania, we travelled to the Tanga region. On our way back home it rained constantly. Bridges and often whole road sections were flooded, broken or washed away. We drove through water that was 1m high, hoping to not get stuck. Everyone was silent when we dove down into the unknown and rejoiced loudly when the whole car surfaced again. We were impressed by the response of the Tanzanians. They were either patiently waiting for the water levels to subside or finding a solution. There were many helping hands and every successful crossing was celebrated loudly. For us it was a great experience to get out of our comfort zone."

- Rolf und Regina Baumann

Memorial Market

"The Dala-Dala is at full capacity, but it seems that in Tanzania, a Dala-Dala is never truly full; helping hands, people squeeze together and we go on. Upon arriving at the Memorial Market, there are colourful crowds of people, wooden stands as far as the eyes can see, washed out clay soil and the movement of people moving to their own rhythm. There are various vendors selling clothes, towels and bed sheets, to customers engaging in bargaining and focused interactions. Joy moves safely trough the crowd. I follow behind, trying to absorb all the sights and sounds. I am fascinated. We are watched with curiosity. Some continue with their daily activities without taking notice, while others show their interest. While looking for towels and sheets, we are approached by helpful, warm humans, as well as those who see their chance to make a profit from us. Humans are Humans - everyone grows and fights in their own way. Navigating through all the happenings and impressions takes a lot of energy, and yet encounters and smiles make up for any feelings of being overwhelmed. Joy negotiates, tells and explains. I listen, understanding only a few words but learning so much. While eating a plate of fresh fruits and drinking Masala Chai we observe the hustle and bustle of the street and have a conversation about people and how we deal with each other: who gives, who takes, how much does our experience and past determine our attitude, and how far can a human being regulate their thinking and acting?

Tired, with a wide range of feelings and some valuable things in our bags and hearts, we reach home which for me, has now become an an oasis into a new world."

- Eliane, Traveller



Do you have a best friend?

"We live here like a Family, I visit my girlfriends, we talk, we share thoughts, give each other advice.

I can go to them, they can come to me."

So any time you can meet?

"Yes, even like if I did not get flour for cooking ugali I ask them for help, the day they miss, they come to tell me and I try my best to share what I have got. I do share my vegetable and they give me some of their flour. We help each other."

You help each other as friends.

"I see it as we are almost relatives, you can sit with each other and talk, if one of you did not get the money for food that day you eat together, you do not let each other’s children sleep hungry."

I saw women helping each other as well with raising the children. For example when you shower, your neighbour cares for your child. And so do you.

"Eeeh, that’s how we do."

Do you think your girlfriends help you more than your husband?


(laughs) "You saw him the way he was today and the lies he told. If I’d depend on him, that would mean I would have died already. Sometimes I do not understand him at all."


Was he like this since the beginning?




Yes, why did you fell in love with him, why did you marry him?


"He has different times. Was not like this, and is not always same. He used to drink but not being often drunk like now. He used to work, and drink. But he always went to work and brought money home. He was a good man. He cared."


He drunk even back then?


"Yes, but only beer, now he drinks this strong alcohol like Kvant, don’t even know what their names are.


If he is lucky at his part time job, getting 20’000tzs, he can leave 2’000 to our family, the rest he does not bring home. He says that’s what he has got, but he arrives home being so drunk, he does not even understand himself until the next day. So where did he get the money from to be that drunk?


The day he does not earn anything he goes to lend money. And then he can’t pay back. Means I have to help him.


Here I can catch him, I remind him all the time to pay back the loans. Because if he does not pay them back who is going to help us when we are hungry?"


You have a maise business now, won’t you get a problem with him that he wants the money for buying alcohol?


"If he sees the money, he would want it. But he does not take it. No he does not do that. But he will come to ask me to give him some of it."


If you say no, because you don’t want him to drink. Does he argue with you?


"No. He will just leave. He knows that I got this money only because I did work. Not like him. So he just comes to eat and sleep."

Do you think he will ever get away from the alcohol?


"When you overview the past, I would say I can’t count on that. I need to rely on myself if I want to succeed in our family. I do not have evidence that his condition will end, but also not that it will stay."